Wednesday, April 17, 2013

K-State's Bill Snyder Speaking The True!!

Kansas State coach Bill Snyder said college athletics is “in a bad place right now”. The remarks were made on a Kansas City-based sports radio station on Wednesday morning.

“College athletics, particularly football, has changed dramatically throughout my career,” Snyder said on 610 Sports Radio KCSP. “I think it's in a bad place right now. It's in a bad place for a variety of reasons. We've allowed it to become money driven. We've allowed it to become TV driven. We've allowed athletic programs or football programs to mean more to a university than what the university is really supposed to be all about.”

“The last I heard, we were educational institutions,” Snyder said. “Certainly there is an education that takes place in football, and I understand all the parameters. But it's not driven by values; it's driven by dollars and cents.”

Asked by a host if the current state of college athletics makes Snyder consider if he wants “to be in it much longer,” the coach replied: “You're not too far away. You're absolutely right.”

In January, the 73-year-old coach Snyder signed a new five-year contract worth $14.75 million. But coach knows that part of the problem.“I can only speak personally,” Snyder said. “I'm grossly overpaid for what I do. That's part of what creates the issue.” And he it the nail on the head.

Coach Snyder continued by saying, “We didn't grow up with it being the way it is right now,” Snyder said during the interview, referring to college athletics as a whole. “Maybe we're just hard-pressed to accept change. We've been moving in a wrong direction, and I hope somebody can help put the brakes on at some point in time.”

When the BCS makes a deal with ESPN for 500 million dollars and not just head coaches but assistant coaches like Kirby Smart making an over $1 million dollars yet these college athletes are busting their butts but aren't getting paid something is wrong.

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